Project highrise
Project highrise

project highrise

Of course, it’s the latter part that is most difficult, as even the most basic of tenants have demands (like telephone lines, or plumbing) while more affluent, and better paying, renters have much steeper requirements that cost plenty to maintain. The core principle in Project Highrise is pretty straightforward: build up your tower while filling it with a variety of businesses so that the revenue generated is greater than the cost of upkeep. Fans of this slightly more macro approach to sims now have a way of satisfying their tower ambitions thanks to Project Highrise: Architect’s Edition for Switch, and lucky for them it’s actually pretty good.


With its endless sandbox mode and built-in mod support, I anticipate many more hours to come.While city management sims have garnered most of the glory throughout the history of gaming, there has been another sub-genre for would be urban planners that are a little more singularly focused- the tower building sim! That’s right, instead of building an entire city, you are tasked with constructing a single building, albeit a rather tall one with a variety of unique concerns that need to be managed. The first time I sat down to play it I did so for five hours straight, and have sunk about 20 hours into it now, a week later. Project Highrise is never not fun in that compulsive, detail-oriented way that good city builders and management sims are. Once I endured some of these frustrating late-game lessons I was able to redo scenarios and start new lots in sandbox mode with tighter strategies in mind.

project highrise

But despite being easy on the eyes, this style grants no real personality, energy, or spirit to your skyscraper. Its retro ‘80s style looks nice in that everything is sleek, slim, and tall, with a pleasing color palette and a well-defined sharpness that makes every room and character appear distinct, even in the most cluttered building. But it never quite nails that, because in the end, Project Highrise is sadly a bit soulless. “I would have liked a better balance of my structure’s technicalities and its visual look and feel. Every decision I made was about the numbers ticking up or down in the background. These paths can bring cool possibilities to your skyscraper, recontextualize it, and change the way you plan its expansion, but because of the way some upgrades clash with the frustrating game of Tetris that the physical building aspect devolves into, I never found myself taking advantage of it in the ways I’d hoped to at the start. Prestige points in turn unlock larger tiers of your businesses, like two-story department stores and bigger apartments, which make you more money. The aesthetics consultant, for instance, unlocks upgrades like artwork you can place around your building to boost its Prestige. At some point you can also use accumulated Influence (generated from workers and residents in your building) to unlock various consultants, like interior decorators, who bring useful new opportunities to your building. Buzz is generated when business is booming, and can be spent to run extremely valuable media campaigns to drop operational costs, boost foot traffic, increase the happiness of your tenants, and more. While money is ultimately the most important resource in Project Highrise, there are other, more interesting forms of currency you can earn that let you maximize your success in fresh new ways. “It’s especially disappointing given the exciting long-term improvement options available in the late game. To an extent, this is a reasonable challenge that most strategy sim games confront you with, but given Project Highrise’s 2D, vertically stacked nature, one mistake in the early game can ruin your chances for a nice looking building later on.


But there’s no way to know how to allocate your space properly as you continue the upward and outward expansion of your skyscraper without the knowledge of these size restrictions. Studio apartments are a manageable six tiles wide and one-bedroom apartments are eight wide, but you will eventually find the need to build two-bedrooms, large two-bedrooms, two-story duplexes, and huge lofts. (That is, until you’ve completed your first few scenarios and have it memorized.) The same goes for housing and other options. “Small offices are four tiles wide and medium offices are 10 wide, but there are also large offices and HQ suites which, until you unlock them, have undisclosed dimensions that make long-term planning in Project Highrise a near impossibility.

Project highrise